July 27, 2024


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Developer Tab and VBA Starting Point

Developer and VBA Starting Point

Firstly you will want to add in the Developer tab to your excel ribbon.

File > Excel options > Customise Ribbon

Tick the Developer Option.


Adding a button to a page

Many of the VBA scripts we use here start with a button, here is how to add the starting button to any page, once the developer tab has been added.

Insert > Form Controls > Button


Draw the size of your button the sheet, once the location and size has been set, the following window will pop up asking for a Macro Name, for this one we will keep it as Button1_click – if you have more than one button on a page, start to name them better to know which one is which.


Click New on the right hand side and the VBA window will appear.


This is will many of the button VBA scripts will be pasted into.


Save Sheet as PDF Example Here




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