July 27, 2024


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Export File Dynamic Values

The following dynamic values can be added to the file name:

^PROJECTID^ – Project id for the current project
^TASKID^ – Task id of the current export task
^USERID^ – User id of the current user

^NOW^ – Current date (yyyyMMdd)
^YEAR^ – Current year
^MONTH^ – Current month
^DAY^ – Current day
^HOUR^ – Current hour
^MINUTE^- Current minute

^START^ – Start date (yyyyMMdd) in date filter
^STARTYEAR^ – Year in date filter start date
^STARTMONTH^ – Month in date filter start date
^STARTDAY^ – Day in date filter start date
^END^ – End date (yyyyMMdd) in date filter
^ENDYEAR^ – Year in date filter end date
^ENDMONTH^ – Month in date filter end date
^ENDDAY^ – Day in date filter end date

Example: “Monthly_Export_^MONTH^_^YEAR^_^PROJECTID^_^TASKID^_^USERID^” will give the file name “Monthly_Export_3_2013_p99999999_0990909_johndoe.zip”

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