July 27, 2024


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Clear Form / Page Function

This function can be called from any point in the survey to clear a form based on a validation
Add this to a script node somewhere in your survey
function ClearForm(form) {
  if(form.COMPOUND) //form with multiple items
    var fcodes = form.domainValues(); //all precodes in form
    for(var i=0;i<fcodes.length;i++) //iterate through precode
      form[fcodes[i]].set(null); //clear item

On the validation i have based it on only one question to be answered on the page this will force the user to only pick one answer spread across a number of questions on the same page within the survey.

if(f(‘qnr_comprsheet_leftprimary‘).toBoolean() && f(‘qnr_comprsheet_rightprimary‘).toBoolean()) //both questions answered
   //Remove answers on both questions:
   //Provide error message
SetErrorMessage(2057,”Please select ONE primary option“);
If both questions are answered, clear the answers for both questions and display the error wording stated.
Change the parts in bold for your survey
Remember – 2057 is the language code – English united Kingdom
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